On The Release Day Of Dev’s New Movie Khadan, Jeet Expressed A Special Wish About His Colleague Dev

Dev’s return to commercial films has now become the center of attention. He hasn’t appeared in a hit commercial film like Khadan for the past four years as he expanded his acting range by working in various kinds of films. But now, he has returned to the screen in a new role, making a huge impact and exciting the audience.

On the release day of Dev's new movie Khadan, Jeet expressed a special wish about his colleague Dev

The audience has one burning question about the two Tollywood superstars, Dev and Jeet: When will they work together again? Their first and, so far, only collaboration was in the movie Dui Pothar (Two Worlds). Since then, fans have eagerly awaited a reunion.

Recently, director Raj Chakraborty shared in an interview, “This time, Dev and Jeet should work together in a film. It would be the biggest achievement for Bengali commercial cinema.” This has fueled the desire of Bengali movie lovers. Could their dream really come true? Now, with Khadan’s release, everyone is waiting to see what Jeet wrote on social media.

Jeet, Dev’s colleague and fellow actor, has extended his best wishes for Dev’s new film. He shared a post on social media, writing, “Best wishes to Dev, Idhika Pal, Jishu Sengupta, Barkha Bisht, Sneha Basu, John Bhattacharya, and everyone else in the new film Khadan, directed by the talented new director Sujit Dutta Rino.”

Jeet didn’t stop there. On the release day of Khadan, he shared his heartfelt thoughts about Dev on social media in an open letter. He wrote, “Personally, I would love to see Dev in more commercial films.”

This wish isn’t just Jeet’s; many Bengali film lovers have expressed the same desire. They long to see Dev in action-packed roles on screen once again. Whether Khadan can maintain its momentum at the box office remains to be seen.

Now, fans of both Dev and Jeet eagerly await the day when these two beloved actors will share the big screen again.

There are rumors that Dev and Anirban Bhattacharya will work together in a new film. The movie will also feature Idhika Pal and Sohini Sarkar.

This could be a major attraction for the audience, as both Dev and Anirban are renowned actors with distinct acting styles, and Idhika and Sohini have also received praise for their performances. This film is shaping up to be a special gift for movie lovers.

Dev has returned to commercial cinema, making headlines. He hadn’t acted in a big commercial film like Khadan in the last four years because he had taken on different kinds of roles. But now, with his return as Raj on screen, he has created a storm, which has generated a lot of excitement among the viewers.

The auspicious launch of the new movie Raghu Dakat has already taken place on Saraswati Puja day. Koel Mallick was present at the event, and seeing them together has sparked the fans’ desire to see this pair on the big screen once again.

There is a lot of excitement and high expectations among fans regarding Raghu Dakat. Now, the big question is when the movie will be released and whether their performances can win over the audience.

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